Archives for posts with tag: sbau

Whenever I struggle for motivation, these are my top three tips;

Networking – Phone your best mates; do something fun.  
Music – Listen to something with a positive message.
Excercise – Burn off your excess worry by putting on some running shoes.

“Whether you say you can or you can’t, you’re right”

Sir. Henry Ford

So get some Ford Focus in your life. Say you can. Repeat ‘I can’ to yourself 10 times over. Then say or even shout it as loud as you can.

Reprogramme your brain, like you’d reprogramme your computer hard-drive. Delete your back-up files that are of no use to you. You, like your computer, will run smoother, faster and better.

Video on this coming up…


Heart-to-hearts with people I meet on the street, people I know and love and people you know and love.


Bean showers across Europe – Paris, Madrid, Pisa… Then further afield in Seoul and perhaps Sydney and San Fran.


Soon I’ll be introducing a music section. I will produce my own songs and promote local talent.


And so much more…

Thank you for taking part today, you three are a big part of the worldwide journey of the Mood Gym!

I’ll be asking you to travel to New York someday, so expect a call in the future

Stay in touch!